Resources Entrepreneurs should Consider When Starting Out

Starting a new business takes a great deal of preliminary research, organizing and planning. An entrepreneur should have a clear idea of his market niche, his customers and his brand. He or she should also take advantage of the many resources that are available to...  


Starting a new business takes a great deal of preliminary research, organizing and planning. An entrepreneur should have a clear idea of his market niche, his customers and his brand. He or she should also take advantage of the many resources that are available to those just starting out in a new business.

Financing Sources

Finding money to start your business is often the most difficult part of the entrepreneurial experience. You must become adept at promoting a “vision” of your business to bankers and other financial entities that would be willing to provide the start-up capital for your business. Many people rely on friends and family members for these funds. Others pitch their ideas to venture capital companies who can make money by helping to launch viable business ideas.

Government Small Business Resources

The Small Business Administration has a wide range of information, classes and counselors that can help entrepreneurs launch their new business. The SBA also offers financing for small businesses at low rates that made repayment easier for business owners who are just getting established.

Credit Card Processing

Today, almost every business accepts credit cards because doing so offers their customers another option for payment. It’s very easy to establish a merchant account at your local bank or other entity that deals in credit card processing. These entities then deduct a fee from your merchant account for each purchase made by a credit card. It is a simple and cost-effective way to increase your sales and expand your customer base.

Local Business Fairs

Entrepreneurs can find a wealth of information and make contacts that can be an advantage both at the start-up of their businesses and further into the future. Business fairs can help you to make contacts with vendors and other businesses that might use your services. They can also introduce your name to the general business community and provide a network of contacts that can lead to increased opportunities. At many fairs, you can learn about financial institutions interested in making business loans, workshops, seminars and ways to make your business work more efficiently.

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