Bill Payment Authentication Program

STAR utility bills can be paid through the Internet or a VRU, and the bill payment authentication program authenticates the STAR account holder’s authentication token when this system is used.

What is the bill payment authentication program?

In today’s digital age, it is vital to ensure the protection of every transaction that goes through the STAR Network. Therefore, measures have been put into place to authenticate the identity of every STAR account holder before any bill payments, debits or credit card processing of any kind. This is done via the bill payment authentication program. STAR Utility bills can be paid through a voice response unit, also known as a VRU, or online. A VRU can be accessed through a touch tone telephone and can offer authorization support for a merchant account holder through its automated system. Conducting bill payments online may require any of the following security measures: username, password, security questions and a confirmation code once a bill has been submitted.

How does the STAR Network authenticate transactions?

Once payment has been submitted, the bill payment authentication program verifies the STAR account holder by prompting a secured pass code or PIN known as an authentication token. Account holders who own a merchant account also have sole access of an authentication token. This is sometimes called a security token. It is an added measure of protection that is often a simple string of data, a phrase or a series of numbers that only the account holder knows. Once prompted by the STAR Network, the member enters the authentication token. It is then authenticated by STAR and accepted or rejected. Failure to enter the correct information could result in being locked out of future access for STAR bill payments until arrangements to unlock the account via customer service can be made.

Reducing risk and protecting cardholders from fraud are two things that are at the heart of STAR’s authentication solutions. Credit card processing will run at its smoothest with these parameters firmly in place. When the bill payment authentication program is used, each bill payment will be securely authenticated to ensure every genuine transaction from a merchant account is protected in a safe and efficient manner. For more information, contact STAR and ask about its authentication solutions.

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