Why Bringing a Dog to the Office Can Boost Morale

There are a number of strategies that can be employed to improve the morale of an office of other workplace. One way in which morale can be boosted is by brining a dog to the office of workspace. There are a number of reasons why the presence of a dog proves to be a...  


There are a number of strategies that can be employed to improve the morale of an office of other workplace. One way in which morale can be boosted is by brining a dog to the office of workspace. There are a number of reasons why the presence of a dog proves to be a morale booster.


A study conducted by Central Michigan University revealed that one of the reasons a dog in the workplace enhances morale is because the presence of a canine actually increases teamwork among staff members. When people are able to work in a more cooperative manner in a workplace, overall morale and job satisfaction improves.

The researchers at Central Michigan University did not specifically pinpoint all of the possible dynamic elements associated with the connection between a dog in the workplace and better teamwork. The researchers did note that the presence of the dog lightened the atmosphere more generally, which rendered employees (including managers) more willing to work in a cooperative manner.

Calming Influence

Although dogs oftentimes are filled with energy, their presence in the workplace or at a business has also been demonstrated as providing a calming influence among workers. Needless to say, in the vast majority of business enterprises, employees face stressful situations in the workplace. And, stress typically is a common occurrence even in the best run business enterprises.

The introduction of a pooch into a business space or workplace allows employees an avenue through which they can lessen their stress throughout the course of a workday. Indeed, research from the Mayo Clinic reveals that a dog in the workplace can assist in allowing employees the ability to avoid stress in the first instance.

Other Morale Boosters

Beyond the presence of a dog in the office or workplace, other strategies that might not immediately be recognized also improve morale. For example, if a business takes credit card payments, ensuring that the team has access to reliable credit card processing is fundamental. A vendor that provides comprehensive services related to merchant accounts makes the overall flow of customer transactions move far more smoothly. Employees will enjoy a higher level of job satisfaction (and even pleasure in the workplace) when issues like credit card processing and merchant accounts are under control.

Dog Options

Businesses tend to take one of three different approaches when it comes to a dog in the workplace. Some businesses maintain a company mascot in the form of a pooch. Others permits their employees to bring their dogs to work on designated days. Finally, there are now a growing number of businesses that permit their workers to bring dogs to work on a regular basis.

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